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Kutatási terület:
A matematikai (különösen a valószínűségi) modellezés, sztochasztikus folyamatok, statisztika, gépi tanulás, kémiai reakciókinetika, rendszerbiológia, rendszerelmélet, operációkutatás, és ezek érintkezési felületei. A célom ezek segítségével új számítási módszereket kifejleszteni az élettudományok számára. Szeretném, ha a kutatómunkámnak pozitív társadalmi hatása lenne, és nyitott vagyok érdekes projektötletekkel való megkeresésre, konzultációra (jelenleg szabadúszó alkalmazott matematikusként dolgozom).

Korábbi állások:


Publikációk -

  1. Felix Beck, Bence Mélykúti
    Parameter estimation in a subcritical percolation model with colouring
    Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 91(5), 657–694, 2019. Külső link (nyílt hozzáférésű) | PDF | arXiv:1604.08908 [math.ST], 2017. Külső link | Szoftver
  2. Bence Mélykúti, Peter Pfaffelhuber
    The stationary distribution of a Markov jump process glued together from two state spaces at two vertices
    Stochastic Models, 31(4), 525-553, 2015. Külső link | PDF | arXiv:1401.6400 [math.PR], 2015. Külső link
  3. Bence Mélykúti, João P. Hespanha, Mustafa Khammash
    Equilibrium distributions of simple biochemical reaction systems for time-scale separation in stochastic reaction networks
    Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11(97), 20140054, 2014. Külső link (nyílt hozzáférésű) | PDF, S1 (PDF), S2 (Mathematica dokumentum), S3 (Mathematica dokumentum)
  4. Bence Mélykúti, Kevin Burrage, Konstantinos C. Zygalakis
    Fast stochastic simulation of biochemical reaction systems by alternative formulations of the chemical Langevin equation
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 164109, 2010. Külső link | PDF
  5. Bence Mélykúti, Elias August, Antonis Papachristodoulou, Hana El-Samad
    Discriminating between rival biochemical network models: three approaches to optimal experiment design
    BMC Systems Biology, 4:38, 2010. Külső link (nyílt hozzáférésű) | PDF
  6. István Miklós, Bence Mélykúti, Krister Swenson
    The metropolized Partial Importance Sampling MCMC mixes slowly on minimum reversal rearrangement paths
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 7(4), 763-767, 2010. 1. külső link | 2. külső link

Doktori disszertáció, szakdolgozat és nagyobb munkák -

Köszönetnyilvánítás a segítségemért +  -

  1. Sebastian Ohse, Melanie Boerries, Hauke Busch
    Blind normalization of public high-throughput databases
    PeerJ Computer Science, 5:e231, 2019. Külső link (nyílt hozzáférésű)
    We thank Bence Mélykúti for comments that improved the manuscript. Melanie Boerries and Hauke Bush are designated equal last authors due to a shared research group at the time of this work.
  3. Levente Szántó, Yukang Feng, Fan Zhong, Timo Hees, Evelyne van Ruymbeke, Rolf Mülhaupt, Christian Friedrich
    Ultra-broad molecular weight distribution effects on viscoelastic properties of linear multimodal PE
    Journal of Rheology, 63(5), 773–784, 2019. Külső link
    L.Sz., Y.F., F.Z., T.H., R.M., and C.F. are grateful to BMBF for financial support within the CATEFF project. L.Sz. thanks Dr. B. Mélykúti for the valuable discussions. E.V.R. is chercheur qualifie of the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS).
  5. Saul C. Leite, Ruth J. Williams
    A constrained Langevin approximation for chemical reaction networks
    Annals of Applied Probability, 29(3), 1541-1608, 2019. Külső link
  6. Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Paul Dupuis for permitting us to include elements of a private communication with him, relating to a modification of the uniqueness argument given in [5]. We would also like to thank Bence Melykuti for helpful feedback, as well as an Associate Editor and two anonymous referees for constructive comments and suggestions, on the first version of this paper.
  7. E. Hingant and R. Yvinec
    Deterministic and stochastic Becker–Döring equations: past and recent mathematical developments
    In: Stochastic processes, multiscale modeling, and numerical methods for computational cellular biology, Ed.: David Holcman, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017. Külső link
  8. In fact, the state space XM is given by all possible partitions of the integer M, a well-known problem in combinatorics. In particular, one can show the recurrence formula and the asymptotic as M → ∞, Flajolet and Sedgewick (2009, Chap. I.3)1
    1R. Yvinec thanks Bence Melykuti for pointing out this fact.
  9. Manoj Gopalkrishnan
    A scheme for molecular computation of maximum likelihood estimators for log-linear models
    In: DNA computing and molecular programming; 22nd International Conference, DNA 22; Munich, Germany, September 4--8, 2016; Proceedings, 3-18, 2016. Külső link
  10. Acknowledgements
    I thank Nick S. Jones, Anne Shiu, Abhishek Behera, Ezra Miller, Thomas Ouldridge, Gheorghe Craciun, and Bence Melykuti for useful discussions.
  11. Martin Jansen, Peter Pfaffelhuber
    Stochastic gene expression with delay
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, 364(issue), 355–363, 2015. Külső link
  12. Acknowledgments
    We thank Bence Melykuti for helpful comments on the manuscript.
  13. J. Goutsias, G. Jenkinson
    Markovian dynamics on complex reaction networks
    Physics Reports, 529(2), 199–264, 2013. Külső link
  14. Acknowledgments
    This research was supported in part by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program through the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship 32 CFR 168a, and in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants CCF-0849907 and CCF-1217213. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors are grateful to B. Mélykúti for reading the manuscript and for providing helpful suggestions.
  15. Marc Abrahams
    Medics subject Playboy magazine to 'peer review'
    The Guardian, Monday, 29 Oct 2012, 16.30 GMT. Külső link (nyílt hozzáférésű)
  16. (Thanks to Bence Mélykúti for bringing this to my attention.)

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